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You deserve to feel safe within the privacy of your home. However, far too many renters can’t enjoy their apartments due to the inappropriate behavior of abusive landlords. These owners often use threats and coercion to force tenants to engage in unwanted physical contact. 

This conduct is illegal, and you have the right to take legal action to stop the behavior.

Silva Injury Law can help you get justice after a sexual assault. With a deep knowledge of tenant rights and sexual harassment, our attorneys can help you hold your landlord accountable and recover compensation for the assault.

Your Rights as a Tenant

California recognizes your right to live in quiet enjoyment. Our state’s laws offer strong protections for tenants who experience sexual harassment by landlords. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Protection under FEHA. The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits landlords from creating a “hostile housing environment” through sexual harassment. Prohibited conduct includes unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors in exchange for housing benefits, and retaliation for reporting harassment.
  • Power to file a civil claim. You have the right to sue your landlord in court for damages caused by the assault. Your claim can seek damages, such as emotional distress and financial losses.
  • Early lease termination. California law allows you to terminate your lease immediately if you experience sexual assault. This provides a way to escape a potentially dangerous situation without fear of financial penalty.

If you encounter any issues, please seek legal advice to protect your rights. Our law firm can help outline options to get you the support you need.

Taking Action After Sexual Assault

Holding your landlord responsible is possible, but you must be proactive and diligent. While Silva Injury Law is here to help during this process, we suggest following these steps to build a strong case.

Seek Immediate Help

Once possible, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Explain what happened and request a complete evaluation. The doctor’s examination may identify hidden injuries and find evidence linking the landlord to the assault. 

Also, remember to seek professional counseling or therapy if needed. Their advice can help you process the incident and heal emotionally.

Report the Assault

Consider reporting the assault to the police, who can investigate the incident, which may lead to formal criminal charges. If the landlord is an employee, you can also notify their employer. Likewise, you can file a complaint with Housing and Urban Development if you live in public housing.

Collect Relevant Evidence

It’s hard to prove a claim without evidence linking the landlord to the assault. You need to preserve anything related to the assault, such as clothing, videos, and text messages. Also, write down details of the assault, including what happened, when and where it occurred, and your injuries.

Contact a Sexual Assault Lawyer

A lawyer can help you understand your tenant rights and sexual harassment options. They can guide you on filing a civil lawsuit, obtaining a restraining order, or seeking other forms of legal recourse. Lastly, your lawyer can connect you with resources to help you recover.

Our Law Firm Can Help You Get Justice

You have a unique case and deserve to work with a firm that gives you the attention you deserve. Here are some of the ways Silva Injury Law will assist you:

  • Free consultation. We offer a free consultation to discuss your situation and explore your legal options.
  • Confidentiality. Your privacy matters. We handle your case discreetly and with utmost confidentiality.
  • Experienced representation. Our attorneys are knowledgeable in California tenant law and FEHA rules against a landlord sexually harassing a tenant.
  • Protecting you from retaliation. We can help ensure your landlord doesn’t try to evict you or take other retaliatory actions.
  • Fighting for maximum compensation. We’ll seek the compensation you deserve, including medical bills, moving expenses, and emotional distress damages.
  • No upfront fees. We work on a contingency basis. You pay nothing unless you get a positive outcome.

Our firm takes a personalized approach to every case we handle. Call our office today to learn about possible solutions for your claim.

Damages Available for Victims

The trauma of a sexual assault can have a significant impact. California recognizes this and allows you to seek compensation when a landlord assaults a tenant.  

Some of these damages can include:

  • Medical expenses. Compensation for treating injuries, including doctor visits, surgeries, and medication.
  • Moving costs. If you need to relocate because of sexual harassment by a landlord, you can demand moving costs, security deposits, and rent differences.
  • Lost wages. If the assault caused you to miss work or take time off to recover, you can claim compensation for lost earnings.
  • Emotional distress. An assault can cause you to develop anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Your claim can seek compensation to address your reduction in quality of life due to these conditions.

It’s important to note that this list is not exhaustive. An experienced attorney can assess your specific situation and determine the full range of damages you can recover.

Schedule Your Free Case Evaluation

With decades of experience advocating for survivors of sexual assault, Silva Injury Law is ready to stand by your side and fight for your rights. We understand the emotional toll sexual assault can take, and we’re dedicated to helping you heal and move forward. Our seasoned attorneys are here to guide you through every step of the legal process, ensuring your voice is heard and your rights are protected.

Call us today to discuss your case. 

Insights and Support

Learn More About Sexual Assault Civil Claims

Explore our articles for insights into legal aspects of sexual assault cases and supportive resources for survivors.

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