¿Necesita un informe policial para presentar una reclamación por accidente en California?

Were you injured in a California auto accident, but the police didn’t respond? If so, you might wonder if you can file an accident claim without a police report.

The short answer is yes, but it’s not necessarily an easy road ahead. Your police report is typically a crucial part of the investigative process for your claim.

However, the absence of one won’t completely bar you from recovering compensation for your injuries. 

Learn more about police reports and their importance in your auto accident claim.

If you have questions regarding how to pursue an insurance claim without a police report, reach out to the knowledgeable California auto accident legal team at Silva Injury Law by calling (209) 600-4389 or filling out the online form today.

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¿Qué es un informe policial y cuál es su importancia en los accidentes de tráfico?

The police report is your accident report. It’s the official record the responding law enforcement officer creates at the accident scene.

Your report includes essential details about the accident, such as: 

  • Fecha y hora del accidente,
  • Partes implicadas, 
  • Declaraciones de testigos, 
  • Localización de daños en los vehículos,
  • Lesiones notificadas, y
  • The officer’s initial assessment of fault

También puede contener observaciones sobre las condiciones meteorológicas, la situación de la carretera y una lista de las multas impuestas en el lugar de los hechos.

Accident reports are beneficial in insurance claims, especially if there’s contradicting information or a liability dispute.

For instance, suppose the other driver claims that the crash was your fault but you say it was their fault. You each clearly have an interest in how the liability issue is resolved. But the officer is a third party whose unbiased observations as detailed in the report will likely help resolve the liability question.

Many insurance companies consider police reports to be the objective account of an uninterested party—and for that reason, the insurer often gives it more weight than the assertions of either driver.

When liability is unclear or disputed, the police report’s narrative and the officer’s conclusions can be particularly influential.

Además, un informe policial puede ser decisivo para acelerar el proceso de reclamación, proporcionar una base para su reclamación y servir como punto de referencia para todas las partes implicadas.  

¿Necesito un informe policial para presentar una reclamación por accidente de tráfico?

Usted puede presentar una reclamación por accidente en California sin un informe policial. Su ausencia no le impide legalmente solicitar una indemnización por los daños y lesiones sufridos en un accidente automovilístico.

Tenga en cuenta que presentar una reclamación sin un informe policial puede plantear algunos problemas. Es probable que el perito del seguro del otro conductor le pregunte por qué no hay denuncia policial. Sin un informe policial, tendrá que depender en mayor medida de diferentes tipos de pruebas para demostrar su reclamación. 

In situations where a California police report is unavailable, such as in minor accidents or where police did not respond to the scene, gathering alternative evidence becomes crucial. 

Have questions about a potential car accident claim? BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION Or, call our office 24/7 at (209) 600-4389

Challenges of Filing a Claim Without a Police Report in California

In California, comparative negligence applies. That means you can pursue compensation for your injuries, even if you’re partially at fault.

Without a police report, you can expect the other driver’s insurance to dispute your version of the accident even more aggressively. This position can make settlement negotiations more challenging. 

Another challenge is the increased skepticism from insurance companies.

Without a police report, insurers may question the claim’s validity altogether. They may ask how you can prove these injuries came from the accident. If they are skeptical, they might deny your claim outright or come back with a low settlement offer. 

If it was a minor car accident with no police report, the insurance company would likely have more questions. California law requires you to report a collision to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within 10 days for any accident with $1,000 or more in property damage or any injury—no matter how minor the injury seems.

You, your insurance company, agent, or attorney can file, but you must ensure it’s done timely

Pruebas necesarias para demostrar una reclamación por accidente de tráfico 

In the absence of a police report, relying on alternative evidence becomes essential.

Let’s look at some examples of evidence you could use to prove your claim:

  1. Declaraciones de testigos. Recopile información de contacto y declaraciones de cualquier persona que haya presenciado el accidente. 
  2. Fotografías y vídeos. Las imágenes o vídeos del lugar del accidente, los daños del vehículo y las lesiones visibles son vitales. Sin embargo, solo debes hacer fotos y vídeos si puedes hacerlo con seguridad y sin lesionarte más. 
  3. Medical records and doctor’s notes. Seek medical treatment immediately following an accident, especially when you don’t have a police report. It can establish credibility when the doctor’s notes confirm the date and time of your treatment in relation to when the crash occurred. 
  4. Informe de un reconstructor de accidentes. Puede ser necesario contratar a un reconstructor de accidentes para que investigue y elabore un informe detallando cómo cree que ocurrió el accidente. Se trata de expertos del sector con años de experiencia que también pueden testificar ante un tribunal si fuera necesario. 

Every accident is different, so your case might also benefit from other types of evidence. That’s why it’s essential to consider hiring a California car accident lawyer. 

¿Por qué contratar a un abogado de accidentes de coche de California?

Speaking with a lawyer early on in any car accident case is recommended, especially if you have questions about whether you can file an accident claim without a police report.

An experienced lawyer brings a depth of knowledge on accident claims and state laws. You need someone who can navigate the claims process and help you build a strong compensation case.

Hiring a lawyer can significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome in an accident claim. 

Contact Silva Injury Law for a Free Consultation

When you need assistance navigating California law in an automobile accident claim, Silva Injury Law stands ready to help. Our legal team has years of experience and knows what’s necessary to build a solid case in accidents without a police report. Don’t attempt to handle your claim alone.

Instead, contact us online or call (209) 600-4389 today to schedule a free consultation. We can review your case and help you get the justice you deserve.