Si ha sufrido recientemente un accidente de tráfico en California, es posible que se pregunte: ¿California es un Estado sin culpa o es un Estado con culpa?
La respuesta corta es que California es uno de los 38 estados que siguen una política de culpa. "Culpable" significa que la persona responsable del accidente debe pagar por los daños que cause.
Además, California utiliza un sistema de negligencia comparativa pura, lo que significa que si un conductor es parcialmente responsable de un accidente, todavía puede cobrar daños equivalentes a la parte de la que no es culpable.
Es esencial saber si un Estado se rige por el sistema de culpa o por el de no culpa. Ambos sistemas influyen de forma diferente en su indemnización y afectan significativamente a cómo se gestionan las reclamaciones al seguro tras el accidente.
Siga leyendo para saber más sobre las pólizas por culpa en California y cómo pueden afectarle.
Get in touch with us online or call (209) 600-4389 today to schedule a free consultation, either in person or remotely. Our experienced California auto accident lawyers can help you understand your legal options.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un seguro con o sin culpa?
Antes de analizar la normativa específica de California, es importante comprender la diferencia entre los estados sin culpa y con culpa.
Estado sin falta
In a no-fault state, drivers must file claims with their own insurers, regardless of who caused the accident.
This means the insurance company typically pays for a victim’s medical expenses and other damages, irrespective of who is at fault for the accident. This system speeds up the compensation process, as it doesn’t require the claimant to establish fault before paying out a claim.
However, no-fault states often restrict the right to sue the other party except in severe injury or death cases.
Estado de avería
In an at-fault state, the driver who caused the accident is responsible for compensating anyone who suffered harm.
This typically requires the injured party to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company or pursue a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. Determining fault plays a critical role in the outcome of cases in at-fault states, which means establishing responsibility is a crucial part of the legal and insurance process.
¿California es un Estado sin culpa en los accidentes de tráfico?
If you’re wondering, Is California a no-fault state for car accidents? the answer is no.
California follows an at-fault system under California Vehicle Code Section 17150. This code dictates that the owner of a motor vehicle is liable and responsible for deaths or injuries caused by negligent operation.
Being in a car accident in an at-fault state means if you’ve been injured, seeking compensation for your injuries and damages will involve proving that the other driver was at fault.
Further Reading: Should You Ever Admit Fault in a California Accident?
¿Cómo afectarán a mi reclamación las pólizas de responsabilidad civil de California?
California requiere que todos los conductores tengan una cantidad mínima de seguro de responsabilidad civil. Los importes mínimos de cobertura de responsabilidad civil garantizan cierta protección en caso de accidente y permiten a las víctimas de accidentes de coche cobrar daños y perjuicios.
The minimum liability coverage in California will be increasing on January 1, 2025, but currently, the minimum coverage under California law is:
- 15.000 dólares por lesiones/muerte de una persona;
- 30.000 dólares por lesiones o muerte de más de una persona; y
- 5.000 dólares por daños materiales.
While an at-fault driver’s insurance covers economic losses, such as property damage, medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs associated with the accident, injured parties may also pursue legal claims against at-fault drivers for non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering.
Moreover, depending on how long it takes an insurer to determine fault, drivers can file a claim with their own insurance company if they have applicable coverage. Types of coverage potentially relevant to a car accident victim’s expenses include collision and comprehensive.
Once the insurer determines the policyholder is not at fault, it can recoup the cost from the at-fault driver’s insurer.
Es importante entender que California sigue las reglas de negligencia comparativa pura. Esto significa que una víctima de accidente todavía puede reclamar daños y perjuicios si comparten la culpa. Sin embargo, las aseguradoras reducirán su recuperación en función de su porcentaje de culpa en el accidente. Por ejemplo, si una aseguradora le considera culpable en un 20%, pueden reducir su indemnización en un 20%. En otras palabras, una víctima de un accidente de coche que es responsable en un 55% de un accidente con un resultado de 200.000 dólares en daños, aún podría demandar al otro conductor para cobrar hasta 90.000 dólares o el 45% de los daños resultantes.
Determining fault can be complex. It requires collecting and presenting evidence such as police reports, witness statements, and expert testimony. Fault is not always 100% clear-cut; several drivers may share it in some cases.
For this reason, it’s always a good idea to consult with an experienced auto accident attorney. A skilled attorney can review your case and help you establish a solid claim. Working with a car accident attorney can also significantly affect your case’s outcome, including the compensation you collect.
Remember, California laws protect your rights; a skilled attorney will help you enforce them.
Further Reading: Determining T-Bone Accident Fault in California
Entre en contacto con a los abogados del accidente de coche de California en la ley de lesión de Silva, inc.
Understanding California’s complex at-fault system and determining the best course of action after a car accident can be challenging.
But with Silva Injury Law on your side, you can rest assured knowing your claim is in good hands. At Silva Injury Law, we treat you like family and are committed to upholding a humane practice. We also understand that every case is unique and tailor our approach to meet each client’s needs and circumstances.
Our gold standard is finding solutions that address all aspects of our client’s claims and life. And our five-star rating is a testament to that goal.
Whether you need assistance with an auto accident claim or have other questions about your personal injury rights, we are here to help.
Contact us online or call (209) 600-4389 today for a free in-person or remote consultation.
We will never charge you money upfront or fees to handle your car accident case and are here to answer all your car accident questions.